Tuesday 4 October 2011

Please don't let doctors kill the elderly (The UK dementia scandal, the influence of drug companies and whether it will happen again in the new NHS)

Something I wrote to a Lord/Baroness.


I write with grave concern about the proposed NHS changes especially
with respect to their ability to deal with mental health problems.

A report from the Royal College of Psychiatry shows 1,800 elderly were
unnecessarily killed every year by doctors misusing psychiatric drugs in
the role of a 'chemical cosh' but there has been no accountability.

It was GPs who made this error. After the government review the misuse
of antipsychotics wasn't banned. GPs were simply measured on how few of
these drugs they prescribed, i.e. on how few elderly people they killed

Here is a link to the information.

I don't think anyone should die because of their behaviour is considered
difficult to deal with, least of all our elders.

GPs aren't trained in mental health, not like psychiatrists, so they
don't understand what they're doing with these drugs and they killed
thousands of people every year as a result. Mental health is a deeply
complicated field where many immoral activities have happened under the
name of healthcare, for example the incarceration of unmarried mothers
in the early 20th century. Without specialist knowledge nor the
foresight to understand the dangers of modern treatments I fear the new
NHS will wrought even more of these crimes against humanity because GPs
are not suitably trained nor influenced by sociological or equality

They're strongly influenced by medical sales representatives. My dad's
a GP and he's on friendly terms with the drug reps. I've been to a
lavish dinner with them at least once with everything paid for by the
drug company. The stationary cupboards in every GPs surgery is stocked
full of drug branded pens. The medical literature is littered with
advertisements for drugs. The drug reps are well funded to build
personal relationships with GPs to make more profit for their company.

These companies are driven by a financial bottom line and they will do
everything to guarantee profit for shareholders. This includes hiding
evidence which doesn't show the value of their drug - publication bias.
This also includes promoting off-license or immoral ways to use these
drugs, for example the unnecessary coshing of the elderly with
antipsychotic drugs to make them easier to deal with.

Thousands died ever year because GPs were prescribing these drugs
unnecessarily and drug companies need to find new markets for their

This can not be allowed to happen ever again.

Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns."

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"