Wednesday 2 February 2011

Doctors can murder and can incarcerate innocents

1,800 people a year were killed by doctors when they used major
tranquillisers (antipsychotics) on people with dementia. These people
weren't experiencing psychosis. There's no significant dopamine
hypothesis. Major tranquillisers don't regenerate brain matter. They can
change behaviour though. It's in this aspect that they're know as the
chemical cosh. They're used in psychiatric wards to make people
unconscious, a protocol which isn't allowed in prisons. Criminals
clearly have more rights than psychiatric patients...

When all these deaths were discovered the government changed its
strategy. It didn't ban the use of chemical restraint on old people.
Instead it tried to reduce them. With knowledge of the effect of killing
the patient doctors are no longer responsible for the manslaughter of
the elderly: they're murdering them now.

In one year doctors killed more people than had been killed by people
with mental illnesses in twenty years. While doctors got away with it
the mentally ill have been targeted for more coercive treatments. The
Community Treatment Order and the widening of the definition of mental
illness in the medico-legal framework to
pretty-much-anything-psychiatrists-feel-like was all about the risk of
homicide by persons with a mental illness. The changes mean that a
person who is innocent of murder can be punished like a murderer: they
can have their liberty taken away. They can be put in incarcerated in a
facility worse than a prison. This can be done without any judicial
process, just the judgement of a psychiatrist.

I don't want anyone to die apart from me. I don't want mothers to lose
their children to some crazed axe murder. I don't want the elderly to be
killed off either. Clearly the government agree with me that they don't
want people to be killed by the mentally ill. They're happy to have
doctors do it though.

The chemical cosh doesn't need to be used on people with dementia if
people can learn to accept that when people get old they get a bit
crazy. In Scotland they recommend training for carers. Perhaps the
Scottish don't want the elderly murdered for their behaviour. In the UK
though it's a different situation. After the report published by the
British Journal of Psychiatry the UK government didn't ban the use of
antipsychotics in the community on people with dementia. GPs are simply
measured by how few of the elderly they murder...I mean prescribe a
chemical cosh to change their behaviour because society in 2011 feels
the symptoms of dementia are socially unacceptable.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"