Tuesday 18 January 2011

How many dead people does it take to make change?

Clozapine. ECT. Seroxat. Antipsychotics in dementia. Just a few of the
killer treatments used in modern times to treat behaviour, emotions and
experiences of consciousness.

The psychiatric profession can murder without recourse. A Homer
Simpsonesque "Doh!" after they and GPs killed 1,800 old people a year
was enough. It was enough for them to limit the murder of the elderly
rather than ban the use of antipsychotics for demenita in the community.
Now they know they're killing their patients it's no longer
manslaughter. Doctors are murdering the elderly because of their behaviour.

Psychiatrists put people with severe mental illnesses on these drugs for
life. They never tell them of the risk they pose. They don't offer them
help. They just leave them to rot on benefits or in a psychiatric ward.

Anyone who's bothered to read the smallest amount of history about
psychiatry will know it's an industry of death and inhumanity. There are
so many instances of this across the centuries. In each century the
doctors said the deaths were unavoidable and they were genuinely doing
medical treatment. People with hindsight can see this is not true. Today
psychiatry makes these same excuses. I don't live in the future but I
can see the deaths and inhumanity are the same as in the last century
when people were lobotomised or pathologised for their sexuality.

And they can get away with it. What's done to psychiatric patients can't
be done to prisoners of war or criminals. Because they're the mentally
ill and because they're treated by 'doctors' (and I use the phrase in
the loosest sense of the term since being a doctor fundamentally means
someone who's taken and adheres to the Hippocratic Oath but this isn't
true of psychiatrists and many GPs in their mental health treatment).

The medico-legal framework seeks to strip rights. Even the Human Rights
Act does so. There is not right to live, liberty or choice for the
severely mentally ill. There are no protections against harmful
treatments which kill them. There is no punishment for a profession
which kills them. A psychaitrist who has sex with his patients would be
struck off but one who murders in the name of treatment of dementia
symptoms (a behavioural problem treated using a chemical straitjacket)
just scores poorly on their Key Performance Indicators.

So how many dead schizophrenics, elderly people with dementia, manic
depressives and other loonies does it take before society wakes up and
does something?

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"