Sunday 4 September 2011

It is hard to extend compassion to this person

This kid murdered.

What happened to him to make him become?

Bridgend is already the site of the only 'organic' (unplanned) cluster
suicide in modern UK history.

I assume there's lots of research going into the causal factors of the
Bridgend suicides. What are the factors which created this solitary
homicide? The research is about understanding that homicide and suicide
is also another canary in the mine (see post below if you don't know
this phrase).

This article or another notes that the kid liked watching horror movies.
An idiot might want to ban horror movies but the evidence in reviews
shows that these movies are watched less by killers than the average,
perhaps because it is a safe way to externalise these violent desires.

It would be the sort of thing the Conservative government might do
because it suits their idea of a moral society. The journalists have
picked out this little bit of information and added it to the story. I'm
sure it will fuel a debate about something or other.

But the search for the answer of how people become needs to be better
aligned with a search for absolute truth.

We've all done stupid things as kids. At least I hope we all have. It's
part of growing up.

But what about the basic commandment about taking another person's life,
be it on a whim, as punishment or in war? Thou shalt not kill. It took a
schizophrenic to work out that this was the first commandment over 2000
years ago.

And yet today this doesn't seem to be embedded in the same way as the
first commandment of Jesus.

The result is the child will be spending a long time without liberty. He
clearly didn't want to get caught for the crime because he lied to get
out of it but it shows the crime and punishment system doesn't stop
homicides. The death penalty wouldn't have stopped the victim's death.

But what could have? Well perhaps having the compassion to understand
the biopsychosocial model of cause of events and stuff. Particularly to
stuff like this.

But this sort of question method and the desire to use this method
starts with compassion. It starts with wanting to understand why and how
another human being would come to kill another. It does not come from
the judgements that people will make about this boy's actions in the

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"