Wednesday 7 September 2011

MAD, science, religion and let the human race die

the early 20th century the theoretical steps were discovered for
splitting the atom. The Manhattan project rapidly weaponised this in a
short space of time during the late stages of WWII. Oppenheimer, the
lead researcher, quoted Shiva when they tested the first bomb. "Behold I
am made death, destroyer of worlds."

After WWII the Russians quickly caught up. This once third world country
quickly became a superpower thjrough socialism/capitalism applied.
America and the USSR built immense nuclear arsenals. The fission bomb
was superseeded by the fusion bomb, a weapon of war which could release
the energy of the processes of the Sun uncontrollably on Earth. The
figures were something like at the peak there was enough nuclear weapons
to nuke each bit of the land area or habited areas 7 times over. One
nuclear submarine could wipe out an entire nation and there was nothing
anyone could do to stop it.

This was the state of play in the mid-20th century. The public assume
the superpowers stopped making more effective weapons of mass
destruction. Particle and quantum physics research kept on going so
there's no reason to assume the weaponisation of this tech also didn't

I imagine that at least two countries - maybe more - have doomsday
weapons. I assume these are weapons so powerful they could crack the
Earth's crust and bring forth a nuclear winter the likes of which has
not been seen since the ice age. The principle of nuclear power in the
Cold War was MAD. Mutually Assured Destruction.

The sickness in humanity is the only way to ensure peace was MAD,
because without MAD the Cold War would have been a hot one.

But who cares? Perhaps if the human race were wiped out a better race
would evolve, one that cared and gave a shit about each other. One that
would develop without the ills of the modern day.

It's been 2,000 years since a schizophrenic - Jesus - gave his life. He
gave humanity commandments. Thou Shalt Not Kill. The first one. You know
what? They don't even teach this shit in schools anymore? Science
lessons don't offer this sort of basic wisdom, but we learned the
processes which go on in a nuclear bomb.

Science is the new religion - the new dogma of absolute truth where the
truth of god is replaced by the truth of the scientific method - but it
doesn't teach the good stuff which religions offered.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"