Sunday 15 January 2012

I suppose what is a key problem... persuading people who don't give a shit that the drugging of the elderly is murder.

It is the priviledge of healthcare in action. Of course a doctor or healthcare professional wouldn't do a bad thing. Only criminals do that. If a doctor kills then it is okay. If a doctor kills then it is okay.

This is the mentality which the public and politicians buy into. Of course drugs can change behaviour and emotion. It doesn't matter if it is a doctor or a criminal dealing drugs. They're still drugs.

What matters is doctors have a higher status and a higher responsibility. That's why they're protected from criminal charges when they admit themselves they're responsible for the mass slaughter of the elderly. They were just doling out drugs to solve a social problem, the same drugs they've been using to suppress schizophrenics for years and make them more miserable.

But the public and politicians don't care. They allowed doctors to get away with it and they allowed doctors to continue to get away with murdering the elderly, and others, because their behaviour and emotion was considered a problem. This is not what doctors should be doing and this is not what they're absolved from. They are worse than criminals because no drug dealer takes an oath to first do no harm.

Psychiatry is a disgrace but so are the systems which are meant to protect the public and human rights. They allowed the slaughter to continue and without punishment.

And so did I. But only so it would never happen again and that the laws of homicide and punishment would be applied to psychiatry in the future. This would mean patients could accept drugs knowing their purpose, just as someone might if they're seeing a conventional drug dealer, but this could only be done with fully informed consent.

Anything less is murder and malpractice.

This is not an issue which requires conventional democractic processes. This isn't about a vote about whether we should allow doctors to murder. This would be relevant for assisted suicide but not for the killing of people and the lies which are perpetrated in the name of nhs social control.

There is no law and no justice as long as doctors can continue this crime against humanity.

Sent from my smartphone

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"