Friday 26 November 2010

Antidepressants can be used for behavioural modification

I can't listen to this podcast because I'm stuck in safe mode still but
the text makes for interesting reading. It's an example of how mental
health is an acceptable way to enforce behavioural and societal norms
and call it medicine. I don't why doctors would even both researching
this. They're meant to be treating illness, not handing out pills to
make people moral.

It's an ad hominen argument but I'll make it any way. This is the sort
of thing that Hitler or Stalin would be proud of inventing. Controlling
behaviour but calling it medicine. It's the same reason why black men
are killed quicker using antipsychotic medication and the diagnosis of
schizophrenia. It's about behavioural norms. It's nothing to do with
medicine and illness.

For fuck's sake. What's the science of morality? There isn't one.
There's little absoluteness in morality and if there ever was a
consideration of this then they might find that the mentally ill, in the
main, have a considerable higher true sense of morality (i.e. one that's
something that holds true over centuries rather than decades). What a
waste of funding.

What's immoral is labelling homosexuality a mental illness and the
things that doctors did to people who they ajudged as different.

Molly Crockett from the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute
at the University of Cambridge says how a particular group of anti
depressants, SSRIs, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, have been
found to increase morality by raising the levels of Serotonin in the brain.

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