Friday 26 November 2010

CSR cuts: job creation

I wish Gordon Brown was in power. The country would be in safer hands
with an economic genius at the helm. His fiscal policy which kept down
national debt saved the UK inspite of the economies high dependence on
the financial markets.

instead we've got a fucking moron in power, a rich one but a moron
nonetheless. Gutting the public sector of jobs is leading to many more
people out of work. The CSR job cuts are the opposite of what good
policy is during a recession.

A recession is all about reduced productivity. It's all about
unemployment and inactivity. The private sector usually cuts back on
staff to protect the organisation in hard times. Everyone spends less.
There's less tax revenue with increased joblessness. It's a vicious
cycle that ends up with more and more people in poverty.

Already jobs and hours are being cut. Organisations are slashing
budgets. This Christmas may be a tipping point. Last year saw Woolworths
go out of business. January may see many other big names go bankrupt.

The most important thing for the future of the UK, in my opinion, is a
job creation scheme. Nothing else will save the people.

Jobs create jobs. People with jobs pay tax and spend money. This creates
more jobs. The opposite, cutting jobs, creates less jobs as the Price
Waterhouse Coopers report shows. 500,000 private sector workers are
expected to become out of work because of the 490,000 public sector
workers being axed. There'll be an impact on the charity sector too
though this is the sector that's going to be most important in the next
few years. They're the ones who'll be helping the poor as the welfare
state becomes overstretched.

At the moment a lot of people are going to be experiencing poverty and
unemployment. There are so many reasons this is a bad thing.

I wish Gordon Brown was still in power because he'd slap up David
Cameron for the job cuts. This is the worst economic crisis in modern
times. Whole countries are going bankrupt.

Keynesian economics seems to mean that job creation is the only way out
of a recession or a major war. This has to be on the national agenda. It
is insane to cut jobs because that makes the recession worse. People
need jobs. It keeps them and the nation healthy.

But what do I know eh? I'm just a fucking, angry alcoholic.

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