Tuesday 30 November 2010

Dopamine hypothesis, major tranquillisers true effects and the use of antipsychotics in the 'treatment' of dementia

I think the dopamine hypothesis is bollocks. Antipsychotics don't really
treat the delusions or hallucinations. They're a chemical cosh. People
don't end up deluded per se when they take cocaine. It makes them
confident, arrogant, loud and expressive. The action of antipsychotics
is to subdue and tranquillise. This is another of the examples of
bullshit in psychiatry.

There's more on the dopamine hypothesis here.

So really they're just a chemical straitjacket. Again and again I make
this point. This isn't what doctors tell patients though.

There's no dopamine hypothesis of dementia. There's research into the
action of dopamine but no consensus hypothesis. This is what the Wiki
page says.
The overwhelming factor emerging from genetic studies of the dementias
and other central nervous system neurodegenerative conditions is
abnormalities of protein handling.

And yet doctors decided to use the drug anyway. Over a hundred thousand
old people were 'treated' using antipsychotics. An observational
research study came out showing the drug was reducing life expectancy in
very old people by 50%. This prompted a Royal College of psychiatry
report which showed 1,800 people were being killed unnecessarily.

The major tranquilliser is a power tool and it's easily used for all
sorts of things. It's important to recognise that the drug is a chemical
straitjacket. It would be safer to use a straitjacket, from the
evidence, but that would be inhumane but the drug achieves the same aim
therefore it is inhumane and it is also dangerous.

Antipsychotics kill. They killed the elderly and they're killing people
with psychotic disorders. They're being used in children. They're being
mixed with antidepressants to create new drugs for treatment resistant
depression. They're forced on people too thanks to the Community
Treatment Order.

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