Wednesday 17 November 2010

Is non-psychiatric bipolar caused primarily by mania in some people

There's a new sort of bipolar. It's not really bipolar as it used to be
defined - i.e. a proper illness that hospitalises people and wrecks
their life. Not mild stuff that's just a bit annoying to people or the
individual that's becoming pathologised incorrectly.

But perhaps this normal state of bipolar is actually hypomania then lack
of hypomania, but the experience of hypomania makes normal depressing.
The depression doesn't exist in the same way other depression does. It's
there because of the lack of 'happiness' or excitement or fun that comes
with hypomania. It's just a normal state that other people live with
every day.

I have no idea how this could even be proven as a theory. Just some
abstract thought.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"