Friday 12 November 2010

What will blogs look like in the Articulated Naturality Web (notes): geotagged blog posts

I've been puzzling this. As yet I have no conclusions.

Blog pieces can be made available where they were written. I think it
might be an interesting thing to see in Stratford Upon Avon. Being able
to wander around Shakespeare's birth place and see what he wrote exactly
where he wrote it may be an interesting adventure for the literary
tourist. It may be true for J K Rowling fans too.

Perhaps in the future we'll expect to see bloggers geotag where they
write. At the moment many just write at home. I tale a notepad wherever
I go and write up my notes when I get home but it may be interesting to
tag them. However blogs are things that are available to the entire
world so the value may be limited apart from those blogs that a very
successful or have a local rather than international following. It may
be interesting, perhaps, to see blog posts by regular people in pubs,
cafes, libraries and other places where people write however this would
take a change in culture.

People don't yet go to a coffee shop to read their favourite local
blogger's work. They go online. Bloggers want large amounts of coverage
for their work too. Making it captive to a location might not make sense
for them. It may be a way from coffee shops to differentiate themselves
- to have a blogger their to help bring in business. Perhaps in Seattle
we might see a local blogging and coffee shop culture occur such that
geotagged blog posts become the rage but I'm not sure I'll see it in London.

I'm pondering of content forms other than text may end up locally
blogged. I think it might make sense for geotagged photo blogs so venues
would have images taken by local photographers available in the ANW.
Videos could also make sense. Perhaps even sound but I percieve music as
something that needs a lot of kit. That said I remember an Irish pub in
Queensbury in North London where every Friday night the bar staff stop
serving around 9 or 10pm and play the row of spirit bottles. These
performances could be recorded and geotagged but it's not quite the same
as blogging.

However culture and social behaviour is going to change as the public
become used to Articulated Naturality Web. I'm always aware that while I
percieved the value of the internet far before anyone else had heard of
it I never predicted the social network platform. I simply couldn't
guess that that's how people could connect in the future. There are
significant electro-sociological changes to look forward to. Predicting
them is like predicting the British weather: the only thing that's
predictable is unpredictability.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"