Tuesday 8 March 2011

Anger and love

One is well know in mental health and well studied. The science is used to drug black men more than white ones into states of docility. Anger has a biological basis if you look hard enough and psychiatry did.

Love. Its the same. It fits the same biomedical paradigm applied to the human condition.

In the history of religion or perhaps of revenge there is an interesting progress. The Judaic condition says revenge must be equal: an eye for an eye.

Before this it was unlimited. If you harm my daughter I could kill your family. This is anger, of course, but this is love.

The Jewish religion saved many and the ideal of Jesus saved many more from the detriment of love.

Psychiatry stymies the positive of anger. Angry black men change society. It's why black activists had the diagnosis used to incacerate them in the US. Their anger made change possible. Psychiatrists enforced the power to stop this change.

Love and anger are. They exist. Smart geezers like Jeff Foster explain this better with his non-duality stuff. We judge and use non-truths to say black men are ill because they display an aggression which is not considered ok by US or UK psychiatrist but one which those in the West Indies call normal and seek to define a truer aspect of pathology.

I rue the day when the psychiatric hegemony try to pathologise love. Its not because it's not possible to. It's just that they'd do it with the same lack of wisdom they use on every other aspect of the human condition.

It's obvious though. Most psychiatrists are sucking on my chocolate salty balls. They're drug dealers with cred. They're behavioural modification and brain washing experts. They're nothing to do with the beautiful profession of medicine and one step above cosmetic surgeons.

Well, perhaps not. Fewer people die as a result of psychiatry.

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