Friday 22 October 2010

CSR Idea: keep it in the economy (buy local + employ local)

I kind of hate this idea because it sounds like something that the BNP
would say but they might be right. It's what China did very effectively.

Money needs to be kept inside the UK and money from outside needs to be
brought in. This is what I reckon based on my tiny understanding of
economics would be a good thing.

It's not just stuff. It's jobs too. This is where I hate myself for
suggesting this but it's necessary and it's the sort of thinker I am.
Willing to be an openminded cunt.

Money creates jobs but if stuff is made elsewhere then the jobs are
created elsewhere. My last job was working for a Chinese company. I got
paid and spent the money here. If it'd been the other;...this makes
sense enough doesn't it.

So buy local. This is actually great if you're an ethical shopper
already. There's no need to change buying behaviour. Ethical shoppers
have already made the decision to pay more for something that's locally
produced because the transport of goods creates more CO2. It would be
great if any shop you went into there was a locally produced section
where you could buy local. This could be in Southall too. It's not just
buy British. It's buying stuff produced in the British economy rather
than just by British people and paying the little extra helps to ensure
the economy survives. Big Society. Rah! Rah! Blah!

Now this is where my self-hate peaks: employ local people too. Employ
British citizens. I think the BNP are going to love this but I didn't
think of it for the same reasons they would. Someone who is a UK citizen
will spend the money here. Someone who comes over from abroad, for
example to work on the Olympics site, will spend some of their money
here but send some home and when they finish the contract they will go
and spend their wealth living a good lifestyle in whatever country they
came from.

The big spending is going to continue on the large public projects such
as Cross rail and the Olympics but a lot of non-UK ;labour has been
hired for the simple reason that the labour's cheap. There's also a lot
of expertise that comes in from other countries, for example from other
countries that have hosted the Olympics or do large rail projects.
Advantaging UK citizens or anyone who will keep the money in the UK
means the UK economy does better.

Using this principle of keeping money in the economy to drive the
economy when nothing else is makes this make logical sense to me. I
really think we might actually see this happen too. But I hate the idea.
It's borderline racialist and stuff.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"