It's the sort of thing people who really care about mental health
science would die to have. The unique opportunity to learn by reading
and by living the experiences that just can't be understood from the
outside. Positive from immense negative.
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Blog Archive
- The dialogue with Scientoligst continues
- Edward Scisscorhands and We
- The extermination of the genotypes of mental illne...
- article on medical ethics
- Link to recent report showing planned move of comm...
- Madness quotes
- A BBC article on schizophrenia, divergent thinking...
- List 0of mental health journals
- Useful links from Gail Hornstein
- A really useful page for legal research links
- A paper on the stigma of mental illness shown by p...
- Another mental health employment consultancy
- Alternative treatment of voice hearing
- article on thorium referred to in the po...
- Thorium, what influences decisions and the search ...
- The media reporting of research and reviews )and a...
- Notes on Corpus Callosum
- A really unethical experiment to establish the str...
- Dual or triple spectra of mental health and treatm...
- The world's a garden
- She loves you
- The strange alternatives I have to live with (ramble)
- A rant on the new Care Quality Commission report
- The reproductive systems of marsupials is amazing.
- Just realised I haven't felt suicidal for a few hours
- Evidence to suggest that OCD is a brain illesss
- A thought on open relationships
- Abraham (or Ibrahim) was a psycho (a piece about s...
- arsehole social anxiety, bad me paranoia or truth?
- Research on the mental health of the UK armed forc...
- Addition to post below
- Liberating the NHS idea: challenge to opportunity ...
- CSR idea: considering flourishing as a mental heal...
- The right to die
- Murder for unwanted behaviour
- The voice inside your head: what is it?
- More on assisted suicide and legal theory
- A couple of useful links for Dignitas
- How many attempted suicides are there in England a...
- The double effect and murdering by doctors
- Why I am here?
- Who's the biggest mass murderer in the UK over the...
- The correct motto of the Royal College of Psychiatry
- A really useful paper onh treatment resistant schi...
- Thinking puzzles
- The mental health pay gap
- Reading research and living the experience
- You know...
- I wish...
- Human rights? Not for mental patients
- The reason why American psychiatrists favoir medic...
- The risk of death seems to have gone up according ...
- Qualitative research as a mental healthcare interv...
- Sex and mental health research and chat up lines
- Breaking news: self-employed schizophrenic brings ...
- Further notes on clozapine
- The sociological aspect of mental health is little...
- A little on the history of the antipsychotic from ...
- A psychiatric system without a label
- An unusual positive in my suicidal journey
- The harsh state of mental health
- I do it to myself
- A simple doctor joke
- A Nietzsche quote that might become my favourite.
- Nietsche on women
- Notes on psychosanology, astrology and psychiatry
- CSR idea: research it
- Nietsche on god or not god
- Nietsche on faith
- Nietsche and a quote that relates to recovery from...
- Another Nietsczhe quote
- A Nietsche quote I like
- The voice in your head and assumptions of consciou...
- Asking new questions in mental health
- The risk of psychosis from St John's wort is excep...
- A paper briefing two case studies in Canada showin...
- Some interesting stuff on the future of power gene...
- A fabulous quote about mistakes
- Mental health top 10 xmas songs
- Fuck. In Switzerland the mentally ill can die with...
- Social disability or mental health problematicness?
- CSR idea: No one needs to die campaign message
- CSR notes: job creation
- Wouldn't you like to know what happened?
- A sorry no one is going to believe
- Big Society needs to note the corporate citizen
- Oh the fucking irony
- CSR idea: avoid buying consumer electronics and cars
- CSR Idea: keep it in the economy (buy local + empl...
- CSR idea: cheaper mental healthcare
- CSR idea: a mental health promotion campaign to bo...
- CSR idea: Community Support Therapist
- The UK has piggy banks
- There will be a crash in the markets
- Big Society? lol
- CSR Idea: inferior goods made better and price reg...
- Idea for CSR: legalise it
- Some notes on the effect of the recession and pros...
- Mental health stigma at mental health charities
- A poem that says more than any report about the CS...
About Me
- we
- We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"
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