Thursday 18 August 2011

An idea for the legaisation of assisted suicide for the mentally illl

Even with treatment 5.6% of schizophrenics kill thesmelves outside the
early stages (and 4.4% in the early stages). Manic depressives also
suffer. Depressives and other types want to kill themselves. 6,000
people a year are successful and in my view they're the lucky ones. I
hope to join them one day.

I applied to help from Dignitas. I offered a reasonable solution. I said
I wanted them to take my life in 4 years. The day wasn't relevant but I
picked a day which meant a little something to me.

It would have meant I would have had to suffer for 4 years. I think a
shorter period is much more compassionate. From learning - or hoping -
that Dignitas did help the mentally ill to contacting them took some
time. The reason was because I wanted to be in a good frame of mind when
I made contact rather than being in the throes of misery.

These are all to avoid the removal of capacity and free will which comes
with the labels and prejudices of mental illness. In so doing I created
a reasonable framework such that a mentally ill person could be offered
the same compassion as a terminally ill person. They could die with
dignity and predictability and reliability and plan for their death
rather than have to take a messy and unpredictable route.

This framework means an individual still has to endure the living
torture of life, the unique living hell that those who want to die have
to live with till they're finally successful in getting what they want.
Everlasting peace.

i just had another thought related to this framework. It is a reason why
it must be legal.

At all costs suicide must be prevented by society. To achieve this the
reasons must be known. As part of the framework the person must leave a
suicide note. This allows people to change society such that more people
don't end up killing themselves in the future.

Sadly Dignitas discriminates against the mentally ill and is,
apparently, being blocked by the legal system from offering the
compassion of ever lasting peace to those who so desperately need it.
Assisted suicide for the mentally ill isn't legal in the UK and there
are punishments for those who would have the compassion to kill me.

Such is the shit of a life I so want to leave.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"