Monday 15 August 2011

Mental disorders are different from neurological disorders

Did you know that?

Neurological disorders are genuine brain diseases. Mental disorders and
emotional and behavioural disorders. The illness is nothing to do with
biological problems though evidence is used to support the preconceived
position that they are genuine illnesses.

an illness, by the definition used to call behaviour and human type an
illness, involves a biological cause and a negative prognosis. The
negative prognosis is things like social disability or reduced life
expectancy. The biological part is what millions and perhaps billions of
esearch money is spent to justify human emotions and behaviour as an
illness. But the truth, the truth which doctors should know except for
the problems caused by their training which affects their thinking, is
human behaviour, choice and whatever else may be seen to have biological
differences but these are not, scientifically speaking, deficits.
They're just called deficits to support the preconceived position that
emotions and behaviour are medical illnesses to be treated by the
medical profession.

This simply isn't true. Take the 'problem' of behaviour in people with
dementia. A society doctor would see the behaviour and the illness as
two distinct entities. The biological problem is something which medical
doctors would treat by healing the brain. This is not possible at the
moment but perhaps will be in the future. The society doctor would
ensure that society understands that when the elderly get old they get
cranky and difficult to manage but this is not an illness.

Psychiatrists, on the other hand, have access to a chemical armenatarium
which can make people docile and subjugate normal human behaviour based
on their whims and prejudices and judgements upon normality. They can
remove these undesirable symptoms in a malformed society where anything
but robot-like behaviour is considered acceptable.

This behaviour by psychiatrists is what a society doctor might say was
causing illness in society. The psychiatrists are not treating the
neurological problem by healing the brain by regenerating brain matter.
They are reinforcing the idea that humans are docile slabs of meat - and
this is what's normal - so making modern society more ill. They are also
responsible for killing a lot of old people in the process according to
their own report.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"