Monday 15 August 2011

That's the problem with labels placed on other human beings

I'll repeat the Thai phrase which explains it so well.

Same, same but different.

They repeat the word "same" twice to reinforce the point.

If people considered schizophrenics as human and what happens to them is
a result of what they would do if their lives were shatter and they were
mistreated because of their way of being and their different internal
reality...shit...then maybe times really would change.

Those people who get to sit in judgement must realise that they're the
lucky ones. They're the ones who live a life of little suffering. It may
be valueless to the greater organism which is humankind but they get
peace. They get comfort from their conformity. They get the contentment
of fitting in with the status quo.

They sit in judgement of other people using labels concocted by
psychiatry. "different" might be the word which is an alternative word
for "mentally ill" because that's all the mentally ill are.

But they're not really. They're same same, but different. If we ever
forget that another human is more like us than
different...well...fuck...people do don't they?

They forget human is the primary label given to anyone. In utopia I
suspect this will be the only label.

Perhaps the cause of all wars, all suffering and all other bad stuff is
because of forgetting what the Thais say. It's when we forget that a
person is different to us that we allow suffering to happen or wars or
violence or slavery or other bad stuff.

The problem of psychiatric labels and psychiatric tyranny and torture is
all about this forgetfulness.

Same same but different. It's so simple. It doesn't even need any
swearing in to make a point. It's the solution to all problems of
disability....but perhaps I am being an idealistic simpleton in thinking
that humanity is anywhere near the stage of being able to understand
that we're all born equal and we'll all die equal. There is no other
truth...or nothing closer to the absolute truth than any psychiatrist
has come up with thus far.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"