Saturday 27 August 2011

Qualitative research as an option for treatment resistant schizophrenia.

This is an idea I'm deabting on whether I should include in my response
to NICE's schizophrenia guidelines.

It's a hokey idea at first but this crazy idea has some sense to it.

I see the opportunity of contact with a qualitative researcher as a
healthcare intervention as well as something which could be used to
further research into alternatives for the treatment of treatment
resistant or treatment refractory schizophrenia.

Part of this is based on the idea that qualitative researchers - at
least good ones - are good liseners and are non-judgemental. This should
be the same qualities that a good therapist has my
experience...this isn't always present.

The value of a therapist may simply be social contact and stuff aligned
to this. Their therapeutic dogma may often have little value to the
patient. Being listened to might be a core part of any therapeutic value
beyond the mode of therapy itself.

The healthcare value is one part of this idea. The other is the research

There needs to be progress in treatment for treatment resistant
schizophrenia without drugs or certainly without killing the patient
using clozapine. Current quantitative techniques have yielded little
else but this killer drug. Qualitative research may provide the
foundations of a new treatment. It may paint the picture of the
individual and their life and the factors of their life which lead them
to become a treatment resistant schizophrenic. This, in turn, would lead
to new treatments and new quantitative research and research methods.

At the moment this group of 6000-7000 schizophrenics are dying much
earlier than other schizopghrencs. I'm suer a psychiatrist would say
this is all part of their disease and ignore the significant evidence
that the drugs are contributing the invidiual's reduced life expectancy.
Bunch of cunts.

I think they're being killed by their treatment. This is why
alternatives need to be sought. These alternatives need an evidence base
but the evidence base system is totally fucked when it comes to
schizophrenia. And idiot could work that out.

but this idea is just a bit too mad...perhaps?

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"