Friday 18 June 2010

Delusional and psychosis and paranoia suicide

This is another type of suicide. I think it can fit in the category of
planned or spontaneous suicide though at a guess it happens more often

I would guess that the neurobiology of a delusional suicide, in general,
would be different to that of suicide from depression.

What am I talking about? Well imagine you discovered that you were under
the control of another force or being, that your thoughts weren't your
own, that people could read your mind, take your thoughts, that the
world was influenced by an unknown force or entity. These thoughts,
feelings, beliefs or impressions weren't something you'd worked out or
read about: it was just what your senses and reality told you.

Initial onset of that experience of life or consciousness is probably
also described by the terms first episode psychosis or the startling
phase of psychosis/hearing voices. It is my opinion that this experience
is the most extreme form of suffering on the mental health distress
contiunuum. It is not surprising that people want to kill themselves
upon experiencing this in the psychiatric system and being told that
their brain is malfunctioning. It is also at the extreme of the mental
health disorder continum and the self-stigma of that is another hell to
compound the other distress.

The intense early onset period can last different lengths of time with
different people. From personal experience the suicide risk during this
early onset period is exceptionally high. It can also difficult to
engage with the person about their delusion because trust in people and
relationships breaks down just as trust in reality disintegrates. I
would guess this is why hospitalisation or use of the chemical cosh is
necessary however experimental and progressive treatment programmes for
first episode psychosis in countries outside the UK have shown there is
a hope to treat without standard doses of medication and incarceration.

There is then the problem of suicide from a long life of psychiatric
treatment for and the experience of psychosis or schizophrenia (with or
without treatment). This can come in many forms. This may be more akin
to depression-type suicide.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"