Tuesday 22 June 2010

Rule 1 of living with psychosis (notes)

1. Survive and thrive
This is a useful idea. Surivival is all that's possible at times and
remembering to survive during those periods of hopelessness is vital.
Knowing when it's possible to thrive is possibly an art in itself. It's
always important to remember that thriving (an subjective thing) is
always possible. If the vision of mental healthcare in the UK is
realised in practice then the hope of the opportunity to thrive is
realistic for all people. For the moment it is a hope that is still
available to anyone who's willing to keep fighting for it. It is easier
to give up than face that struggle, but the facing the struggle is more
important - at least to me. The struggle - in whatever form - may be the
best treatment for suicide in my opinion and personal experience.
Accepting the shitness of everything and still facing the world just
like anyone else does when all you want to do is kill yourself is, in my
opinion, one of the most amazing things a human being can do.

The zeroth law - the one that preceeds everything (and an idea taken for
Asimov's later books in the robots series) - is don't kill yourself.
I totally understand if you do it though. It's no crime to exit and it's
certainly a rational choice. If other people knew the pain they would
understand. See Rule 1 though.

0.1 law
Make sure you leave a note. It's your last communication, your last
opportunity to speak to the world and it's an opportunity to make sure
that whatever brought you to take your life doesn't happen to anyone
else ever again so be honest and open when you write that note. If
you've got the time take the time to make sure the note is everything
you want it to be.

0.2 law - the patronising or pointless law
Talk to someone even though you've made the decision to end your life.

0.3 law - the other pointless law
Go through all the alternatives

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"