Sunday, 10 October 2010

Reverse prejudice and dating

I've met a girl who I think is hot. I haven't felt like this in a while
about a person. I feel connected to her in a way I haven't for a while.
It's beyond physical attraction and different to my normal experiences
of attraction. There's something about her that makes me thing she's
going to be a special person in my life. I can't tell her because it's
too intense a feeling. I'm already being honest and risking a lot if she
doesn't like me. I doubt she feels the same way. But when two people
meet and they do find that feeling between them it's often lost to the
bullshit of the dating game. I've only once acted on that instinct once

I've come to realise that perhaps I'm reverse prejudiced. She's mentally
ill and I like that about her. For me it has many positive associations.
She was worried I wouldn't be interested in her because of her
diagnosis. I know that her diagnosis tells me nothing about the
individual. It's just dumb to think that any of those things accurately
predict anything about a single individual. It's the same dumb prejudice
but in reverse which is why I think she's hot for being a bit mad.

Perhaps this is just simple narcissism coming out. I'm mentally ill
myself. There's an element of seeing yourself in the people you're
attracted to, in my opinion.

I hope she can handle my crazy. I've just been keeping in touch with her
through textual contact. No phone calls since we met. I'm just scared.
It's so dumb. I do complex friendships. I don't date and I don't do
relationships. Luckily she thinks the same way, but that might be a
polite let down, I have little intelligence in this area and have to
just rely on bumbling honesty. It's not complete honesty though, I'm
holding back.

She has a bit of self stigma as do I. It's why we both explained we
don't do relationships. She's a bachelorette and I'm a lonely loser
underneath the mask. Her reason is because of her diagnosis. Mine is
because of my belief that I will kill myself one day.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"