Friday 1 October 2010

War is evil

How poorly the person who is treated worst by a society is the measure
of the society's advancement. It is not GDP or technological
advancement, scientific prowess or manufacturing might, military nor
even philosophy and art. It's how bad life is for the very worst off, in
my opinion. It's why any war brain down the quality of any society
because it is when at war that people become like animals.

The methods used in war are Machiavellian. The means by which a goal is
achieved is not important. This has changed as the public got involved
in the military through exposure through media coverage. The Vietnam War
was one by the American people and the media. The War on Terror turned
this around again and the politicians manipulated the media and the
military directly manipulated the media. The Patriot anti-ballistic
missile system was initially highly unsuccessful in action in the Gulf
War because of a glitch in the digital clock system which I heard from a
lecturer in missile guidance systems when I was at university. (The
course was called Mobile Robotics and Teleoperations but it was
essentially missile guidance) The images seen by the media weren't of
the missiles that didn't make it. It's the same for the smart weapons
dropped down chimneys. Not all precision-guided ordnance hits the target
every time. These images were selected to make people forget about the
problem of collateral damage and real civilian casualties.

A very common argument for doing immoral things is the ends justify the
means. This may be an ad hominem argument but in seeing this nature of
people in what happens in war and what is bad in war, a process where
humankind - and more often than not, mankind - not only murder each
other but torture and harm in other ways. America is the only country to
ever use a weapon of mass destruction (though it's little know that they
killed more people in one day than either of the bomb drops when they
switched their bombing tactics for night to day in firebombed Tokyo to
set the wooden shanties alight). The only way a moral person would be
persuaded to do something so bad was if the end justified the means. Or
it was a moment of insanity, of pure unreasonable and irrational action.

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