Friday 13 May 2011

The UK mental health charities don't care about the deaths of the mentally ill

It was found that 1,800 old people were killed unnecessarily by doctors. They used a treatment for dementia which they'd not used before. They used the 'antipsychotic' drug.

They slaughtered the elderly enmasse and they got away with it. It was a research paper showing the drugs reduced life expectancy by half which got the government to change the dementia strategy. SIGN now recommend training for carers of people with dementia.

NHS GPs can still prescribe these drugs knowing the risk of death. They offer a convenience for society very different to what the medical oath expects of the profession. They know they are not treating the illness and what they are offering kills their patient. They're murderers now.

And none of the mental health charities give a shit. None have demanded an investigation into the number of deaths caused by these drugs when they're used to cosh schizophrenics.

A recent review of high quality trials of ECT shows it doesn't work and the risks are significant. Sham ECT is currently the best treatment for depression.

This treatment has killed many. For decades people were electrocuted against their will. Even the very first subject had his wishes not to be treated ignored.

The mental health charities don't give a shit. Not one word has been spoken by them about this review.

The drug clozapine continues to kill and cause illness. It is still recommended as the only treatment for treatment resistant schizophrenia. Many have died already and many, many more have had their lives shortened by this most dangerous chemical cosh.

The mental health charities don't give a shit. Rethink in fact asked their campaigners to write to their MP to recommend the clinical guidelines be followed through.

Rare studies into alternative treatment paradigms for first episode psychosis have shown benefits to conventional drug treatments. These are the future because the treatments work better and don't slay the patient. There are none of these in the UK.

The mental health charities don't give a shit.

Lithium is a risky drug and can kill. The alternatives cause liver damage. If society could learn to accept bipolar people, like in Spain, then fewer would need to have their life shortened to treat their difference.

The mental health charities don't give a shit.

Their staff are well paid but often know little about mental illness. Their funders expect better but are forced to be satisfied with weak shit. Few truly mentally ill people work at them and few people who are truly passionate stay working or retain their jobs.

They'll let psychiatry continue to murder people because they don't understand and are too lazy to find out. They seek simple campaigns which still suck because they seek easy goals to fail at.

Fundamentally the evidence shows they don't give a flying fuck. Not really. The only exception, perhaps, is the A

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"