Wednesday 20 October 2010

A position on death and mental health

If I had to take a position on this deeply thorny issue I'd say that
people have a right to die and society has every right to do everything
but stop them. It's a very hard position to take. The latter part should
be worded more correctly to say that society has the responsibility to
do what it can but that's it.

What I eamn is how doctors treat mortality. I percieve doctors like IT
support. They don't really like to be seen that way but that's how it
is. They're diagnosticians on a more complex system than any computer,
but that's how they are. If you're computer is bust you put up with it
or you fix it yourself. When you can't you contact IT support. Right? Of
course. And if you ever heard your IT support person tell you to sod off
because you hadn't remembered your passowrd or didn't have your disk or
hadn't installed a spyware program so they wouldn't help you
then....well...would you be happy? No. You'd expect you IT support
person to do their job and stop being a knob.

I am a computer that can only fix myself. I don't run spyware programs.
I don't do all the things necessary. And I don't get IT support when I
need it. So I learn to fix myself on my own. Or die. But a large factor
in the risk of my death is the simple fact that doctors are more
arrogant than IT staff. They're very much like me. Except when I did IT
support I put up with what idiot users did to their system and helped
them nonetheless. I did what they asked. Doctors don't do the same for me.

No one has responsibility for my death though. That's also a big thing.
When I take my life it's my decision. If someone chose to reduce my life
expectancy to stop me kiling myself...well...that's something I don't
agree with.

It's a deeply complex position explained by my attitude to suicide when
I try and help other people to live longer. I am not going to tell you
not to do it because that's a lie. I am not going to tell you how to do
it. I will do all that I can and I will make sure that you can trust me
throughout the process because I am here for you. If you die it is still
my mistake but only in my head and my world. You have made the choice
and I respect it, but I will do all I can to keep you entertained or
whatever till you yourself change your mind.

I don't get to kill you with meds or coerce you though. I don't get to
incarcerate you for best interests. You have free will.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"