Wednesday, 20 October 2010


In the film Avatar when then shit hits the fan the story goes someone
steps to the fore. He unites the clans. This is the only way to defeat
the invaders of the land. Men and women of an alien race could struggle
alone. But Toruk Makto (the rider of the great beast but the only one
who could tame the most feared beast) unites them to fight a common goal.

e film was prophetic in a way. The people need Toruk Makto. There is
never more a time when the clans need unite to fight.

I see the struggle in the film as analogy to what happened today. Today
the bad guys blew up the great tree. Today the recessiuon smashed the
root of the change to happiness.

The great dream of an equal society is dying. The clans - the charities
- are in disarray. There is no unity and without it the war will be
lost. The war is foer thge peop;e. It always has been. The oppressors
are the people tooo and their foolishness. Tuday I know that many will
die in the next decade. There is not enough alcoho to drown my sorrows.

In the film the character unites the clans because they have to fight.
They must to surive but they must to help the people survive. They face
an enemy they can't beat, at least alone and if they see it like that.
In the film Toruk Makto have the vision to say they could win, but they
must unite.

The charities must unite. The third sector. Anyone who fights the war
for equality, for the poor and the destitute. They must unite. The
stuggle can only be won that way. There are lives at stake.

But there is no Turok Makto. No one will unite the chairites. No one
will lead and provide the hope that keeps those good men and women
fighting every day a losing battle. In the film there was no other way
to do it but unity. Planetary unity.

There's one man I hope is Toruk Makto. Paul Farmer. CEO of Mind. Unite
the clans. The war needs a leader. The clans need someone who can bring
them together for the great war this decade brings and started today.

Sunergy. It's the only way to help the people. Go read business books to
know the value of synergy. Or watch Avatar and see the same thi9ng
explained. Let us win the war and the struggle for the lives of everyone.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"