Friday, 8 October 2010

What you call it is important

Schizophrenia is an illness and psychosis a pathologised experience. But
people enjoy smoking high grade skunk dripping with THC.

I think this is important. I think there's an effect that's not
recognised enough but can be seen in this.

Studies into delta-9-tetrahydroxycannabinnol refer to the 'symptoms' as
psychosis-like. On psychopathological measures stoned people look like
they're experiencing psychosis, but it's not psychosis. I've smoked THC
oil. I can't be use of the purity or the concentration of the
delta-9-THC variant but it was potent. Two friends and I smoke one joint
painted with oil. We giggled a lot. We sat and watched a screensaver for
what seemed like hours but was probably minutes. We may have had some
Doritos. It was very pleasant and if I could ever get hold of THC oil
again I would.

People who have schizophrenia often don't like taking medication. This
is seen as a lack of insight or a problem of the pathology or some other
bullshit that psychiatrists use to justify the use of the chemical
straitjacket. I think some people may not want to take the medication
because it changes their internal experience of conscious and it's
something they quite like. The same state of mind is artificially
achieved using enthogens like THC. Essentually people without a
schizophrenic mind put themselves in that state using illegal drugs
because it's a pleasurable state. At least when it's something they can
control and has an end point. And when it's pleasureable.

What you call the state counts. For a person with schizophrenia they are
told their brain is malfunctioning, their mind is ill and they become
burdened with the stigma of the diagnosis. In truth many drug users want
to have the experience. They want to experience their mind like a
natural schizophrenic consciousness. It's a pleasureable experience and
this same reason may be why some people who have schizophrenia don't
like the medication. The medication takes away the colour from life and
means they have to live in the monochrome conscious state that
automatons are forced to live in.

I don't know. Am I making any sense at all?

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"