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Blog Archive
- The hardest photos I've had to edit in a while
- One description of life
- Shopping as an alternative to the gym
- 2 genetics and mental health studies show no assoc...
- Is mental health the only field that suffers from ...
- A large percentage of the completed suicides in wo...
- How many people own good cameras just to say they ...
- The UK needs a Mental Health Act (ramble)
- Rule 1 of living with psychosis (notes)
- Imagine if there was a punishment for emotions
- If a person is mad in the woods but no one sees th...
- Why I believe there may be an alternative to hospi...
- A thought on a step before ECT
- Fwd: What has happened for physical disabilities t...
- The journey
- An inspirational poem by Rudyard Kipling
- Just
- "Population-based studies have attempted to estima...
- would Jung have gotten a diagnosis of psychosis ri...
- Human and nature
- Hung like a chihuahua or men's secret shame
- Self-hate and progress
- Should I answer yes or no to the question of disab...
- Just a small bit about my life
- How desperate are people to assign a label?
- Software for reducing the suicide rate
- Delusional and psychosis and paranoia suicide
- Notes on where I am with the clozapine thing
- Quotes as therapy
- Depression or intense misery?
- The Cumbrian who needed help
- Two articles about the diagnosis of schizophrenia ...
- Last words on the etymology of schizophrenia.
- A quote about schizophrenia and humanity
- Morality, harm reduction and legalisation
- How much childhood trauma does everyone go through?
- Thoughts on mass murderers
- Buckminster Fuller, suicide and spirituality
- What would you do if you died yesterday?
- Rules of psychosis
- The most expensive photograph ever
- Another rule for psychosis
- Hot beverages, performance in the workplace and so...
- Suicide, what I know about the neurobiology of and...
- Exclusion at school
- The difference between the psychiatric and the pol...
- Will global warming make people mentally ill?
- Schizotaxia and how madness is part of humanity
- Really interesting stuff about psychiatry and spir...
- Paper from which 2 deaths in 4.5 years figure is t...
- 2 deaths in 4.5 years from clozapine-induced agran...
- People thought neuroleptics could cause suicide wh...
- Notes on diagnosis and suicide and self stigma
- Study recalculates lifetime risk of suicide in sch...
- Another stat on the suicide rate in schizophrenia
- Masking mental illness and a strange thing about d...
- The financial system causes morbidity and mortality
- Why are there no census measures of mental health?
- The problem with people who don't fill in surveys
- What will utopia look like?
- Bayesian theory of the mind and psychosis
- A little bit on my relationship with a non-corpore...
- Attempting the impossible: measuring love.
- Hanlon's Razor and anger: a practical exercise
- Debt, wellbeing, government, the NHS and the 3rd s...
- Positives of life crisis
- Antipsychotics, suicide and free will
- The right to emotion and experience of the fullnes...
- Definition of isolation
- Useful data
- Do people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or BPD...
- 1 in 6, quantitative versus qualtitive
- Impact of loneliness on illness and death in people
- Biological and psychosocial impact of isolation in...
- too tired to title
- There would be no genius and no progress without i...
- Isolation
- Is pain the sane?
- Mental illness isn't just like any other illness
- An example of worthless research
- Weight gain and antipsychotics
- Useful link for lone campaigners
- A talk about suicide and a strange experience
- Self stigma, mad pride, healthcare alternatives, a...
- A bit on the diagnostic system and clincal practic...
- Suicide, psychosis, psychiatry and the need for pr...
- How much of therapy is about making a person like ...
- drug addiction, suffering, desperation, best inter...
- 10 things suicides have in common in general
- A tale of epistemology
- Etymology of the word suicide
- A beautiful neologism
- What happens if a society has the capability to 't...
- In my back garden after the rain
- Clozapine treats borderline personality disorder
- Just how good is clozapine at treating schizophrenia?
- Just how good is clozapine at treating suicide?
- Is clozapine useful as a chemical cosh?
- Will clozapine use increase
About Me
- we
- We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"
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