Monday 26 December 2011

Are doctors or the government criminally responsible for any deaths caused by chemical suppression of behaviour

There are many tools to suppress unwanted behaviour which ave been used
by psychiatry.

The power handed to doctors is provided by the medico-legal framework
however the people who write the medico-legal framework and the people
who chemically coshed the elderly to death are not doing anything really
related to healthcare. They use chemical means to solve a cultural and
sociological problem,

They killed them unnecessarily they the kept on doing it. Unacceptable
behaviour comes at a worse price than crime: death.

When an individual makes an informed choice that they want to die then
that is fine. If an individual makes an informed choice to consume
something which will reduce their life expectation then this is fine too.

However, if punishment for social ugliness - aberrant, difficult or
challenging behaviour - is reduced life expectancy and the treatment
doesn't deal the disease and actually causes harm and doesn't rectify
the prognosis then....this isn't fine. This is a crime.

I would find it amusing if doctors and ministers were forced to take
these medications for a couple of years. Clozapine. Yes. a fitting
choice. A drug which was withdrawn because it killed patients when
treating their behaviour. Their deaths weren't enough to stop this
crime. Perhaps the deaths of some doctors and ministers might bring this
problem onto the agenda.

There is no law against death by social control using chemical means.
This would be the sort of thing we might find in a Mental Health Act - a
real one. Instead the current act empowers doctors to commit the crime
of murder. The current act allows people to be killed by forced use of
the chemical cosh.

Perhaps what is needed rather than punishment is a way forward - perhaps
a new Mental Health (and illness) Act which clearly defines what mental
health is and what is allowed to be done and not done. Patients can make
a choice to use harmful chemicals prescribed by doctors and I'm sure
they'll legalise assisted suicide at some point too. This is all about
patient choice.

Perhaps not. After all that's happened to me I feel like a bit of
revenge. I want heads to roll. Lots of them. After all, isn't punishment
an awfully good deterrent? Isn't that why murder has punishment
associated with it? To stop it happening. Every doctor currently
prescribing chemicals for the treatment of behavioural and emotional
disorders is a criminal every time the treatment kills the patient. They
kill patients when they treat genuine illnesses and this is where their
privilege to kill comes from. However the doctors that kill their
patients in the name of 'treatment' are no different from murderers.
They just have white coats, good salaries and all the rest of the good
things which society gives to murdering cunts with a medical degree.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"