Saturday 24 December 2011

What's the first rule (and why swearing necessary

Thou shalt not kill, thou bunch of fucking cunts.

First do no harm, you bunch of fucking cunts.

The problem is those bunch of fucking cunts in healthcare forget they're
not meant to be there to effect social regulation or suppress bejhaviour
or judge upon problems of society. They're never meant to kill people
for these reasons because they're not meant to be there to do these
things in the first place.

You bunch of fucking cunts. The reason it is the first rule is because
it is fucking obvious. You do not kill people or harm people to enforce
social regulation or enforce a convenience to society.

You bunch of fucking cunts have killed too many people in the last
century. It will end because when you forget the first rule you lose all
dignity and credibility.

You bunch of fucking cunts. stop killing the elderly and schizophrenics
and all the rest. It is 2011. We are not civilised or developed nor have
any reason to hold our heads up high, not when we as a society kill.

You bunch of fucking cunts.

Please can I ask for a few second of your time to click this link and like my suggestion.

I need the data about health outcomes sorted by race, gender, age and other characteristics so I can see if disadvantaged groups are being further disdavantaged by London GPs.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"