Sunday 11 December 2011

Why schizophrenics might smoke?

I disagree....or I think the article is missing something else. Nicotine
also releases norepinephrine as well. This neurotransmitter is released
by SNRI antidepressants like sodium venlaflaxine. It is a feel good
neurotransmitter which may help with the negative symptoms of
schizophrenia because schizophrenics learn to self medicate for the
unhappiness. Some doctors and researchers might see this as an
atipsychotic effect...i.e. it is antischizophrenic given the currentky
understanding of schizophrenia - but not in a chemiacal cosh way.
Smokers smoke themselves a little bit happier and that's why they're
less disordered.

Of course this is a guess by me. I really need to learn a lot more about
the neuroscience stuff.

Heres a paper which goes on about the release of nerepinephrine

Here's a bit on neopinephrine

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