Thursday 21 July 2011

Just how much compensation is owed to the mentally ill?

The antipsychotic is not antipsychotic in a lay person or patient's
understanding. The word means against psychosis which, to me, means
against the internal delusions and hallucinations. To prove they are
antipsychotic a proper trial is required but in the absence of a proper
gold standard trial (double blind randomised placebo control trial)
psychiatry could have gone and looked at all the previous studies but
only at the measure of the effect on delusions and hallucinations (which
are two single factors in the multiple measures used in PANSS, BPRS or
other measures). As far as I and any of my Facebook friends are aware
this has never been done. It is relatively easy to do yet it is not, as
far as I am aware, a piece of evidence used in national commissioning or
clinical practice; a psychiatrist who has a patient asking them to treat
the delusions and hallucinations which typify schizophrenia spectrum
disorders has no evidence to chose the right medication. This is perhaps
an error of omission or perhaps any psychiatrist should know these drugs
were never invented as antipsychotics. They are primarily behavioural
change agents and the term "chemical cosh" is more accurate than the
term antipsychotic, or perhaps major tranquiliser is a better term. This
is why components of cannabis has been found to be as effective as
atypical antipsychotics in preliminary results from a randomised control

The drugs are not real treatments and cause real illnesses. If we lived
in America there might be a good justification for a class action law
suit against doctors, pharmaceutical companies, politicians who write
the laws and others. The drugs do not deal any brain damage and may
damage the brain. The drugs are designed to treat behaviour which is why
they became used on the elderly, people with personality disorders and
others. The drugs prescribed by psychiatrists and forced on people using
the CTO are nothing to do with the field of medicine but they do cause
real physical illness and death.

But this isn't America. It's a shame because the potential billions of
pound of compensation in the UK alone could could fund
a lot of good things for the mentally ill.

I would hate to have to put a price on the centuries of subjugation,
torture and death wrought upon the mentally ill in the name of
healthcare. I'm not sure there's enough money in the world to compensate
for so much suffering and injustice.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"