Monday 18 April 2011

Do people who have a callosumotomy (or whatever they call the operation which splits the two hemispheres) have an internal dualogue

First of all it's not a typo. A dualogue is a conversation between two people. A dialogue is between two or more people.

This isn't just me showing off with my vocabulary and stuff. Theories of consciousness rarely tap into the realms of the inner dualogue, dialogue, conversation etc. We inside your head is agreeing or disagreeing as you read this. Who are you speaking with inside your thoughts? These questions have not been answered by science and a small part of the eperience is pathologised. "Hearing voices" may for some be a way of communicating a distressing internal dialogue.

The anal retentiveness to the accuracy of the use of the words is because I wonder if our hemispheres connecting create the dualogue. Just two though.

People who've had the operation where their brains are split in two usually have incurrable epilepsy. The operation works but people have had unusual experience. Its called alien hand syndrome or something. One hand can have a mind of its own. The hemisphere controlling it becomes rebellious. It can take on a personality.

This is forced upon the neuropsychological system by the out of parameter event of the separation of the hemispheres but the organism survives. Evolving didn't build the brain and mind to survive what modern medicine can do. It's an example of the extraordinary surviability of human consciousness.

What if it's possible for two consciousnesses to inhabit one mind without this operation to divide them and force their maturation. We all have this internal dialogue whether we are aware of it or are even ready to be aware of it.

The inner voice finds itself cropping up in literature but there seems to be little investigation into it.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"