Friday 8 April 2011

Notes on Japan and post-quake suicide

I'm trying to start this process like a good researcher should: free from bias and assumptions.

My assumption is recessions cause suicide and this effect is heightened in Japan. This is based on previous knowledge. The problem is it may be an association rather than causal. The research into suicide notes has established causality however surprising results such as overwork is also a common reason given in Japanese suicide notes means there are other factors involved. Cognitive constriction is often seen in suicide and has been noted by many suicidologists. The other assumption is the quake will cause an ever greater recession in Japan which will overshadow any increase in suicides cause by psychological distress as a direct impact of the quake. The economic assumption may be wrong because the rebuild of Japan is effectively Keynesian economic theory in action. This was how countries in the 20th century got out of the Great Depression.

What is harder and perhaps more concerning is what can be done. Regardless of the quake Japan has a very high suicide rate. I'm not sure where to begin looking for appropriate resources which will work. ASSIST in the UK might be a good start. Perhaps The Samaritans too. The problem is their culture is different to the West though Japan is a developed world nation. Their culture has had a forced injection of Westernisation over a period of 2 centuries however their psychiatric and cultural systems remain different in many respects.

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