Wednesday 20 April 2011

Don't call it an illness because it's a lie and it allows psychiatry to make extinct a type of human being

There is a problem with the use of the paradigm of illness upon mental illness: it isn't true.

They're not really illnesses. Many people in countries outside the UK recognise this. They're mental health problems. This is language people in the UK might recognise. The mental health problematic is who we are.

It is amusing because the UK change in language wasn't about a step towards the truth of what psychiatry does and deals with. It was an attempt to change the language because mental illness was stigmatised.

Calling it an illness allows treatment for change. Calling it an illness also allows ideas of capacity and insight to be used to deny freedom of choice in treatment. Calling it an illness allows biological solutions which are no different from illegal drugs except they're usually one chemical to achieve the effect and they often take time to achieve the desired high.

Calling it an illness also allows the forgiveness which isn't available otherwise. It allows the support to reduce the disability. It is warm and fuzzy to call it an illness.

Mental health is a nebulous concept so any paradigm could be thought up. Psychiatry misuses science to inform its paradigm but most psychiatrists and real doctors know it's not an illness. It's about types of people and their behaviour. In fact emotion and experience of consciousness are almost secondary. Those are ok at any extreme as long as there is no impact.

The illness paradigm means someone can say you're not a manic depressive. You have a disease called manic depression and we can treat it. What they in truth mean is you are a manic depressive and society is fucked up and (often) I can't be arsed dealing with it so we can stop you being who and what you are. This applies to schizophrenics, depressives, homosexuals, black slaves who kept on running away and any other type of human being subjugated by psychiatrists.

I use the word phenotype to describe indivudals who fit a collective pattern of being. It is the human condition in my eyes. Straight or gay. Mad or automoton. Drunk or boring. Sighted or blind. It's all part of the human race's diversity.

Whereas loss of sight may be caused by a real illness the social disability isn't. It's caused by a fucked up society. Then psychiatrists make things worse by offering tools to make society more homogenous and slaughter phenotypes who differ from temporary norms. Temporary because as society evolves it learns to accept, except when psychiatry offers the science to enforce norms of being on our beautiful human race.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"