Wednesday 18 August 2010

My misery is nothing

This was just posted up by one of my Facebook friends. I've never met
her and I don't know why she friend requested me whenever she did. She's
got the most friends I know - so much so that she has 2 accounts (the
maximum number of friends on one account is 5000).

It puts life into perspective. This is real life. This isn't what I read
in research papers.

I wish I had the words to make it better for her. And for her husband
too. In another post she explains he came off life support. If he's
conscious he must be in hell. She's in hell too. I can't imagine the mix
of emotions she's feeling, the volatility and confusing.

This is why mental healthcare exists. This is why it doesn't matter if
it's an illness or a problem or an emotonal and behavioural disorder.
This is human misery. Plain and simple.

I have an update. My husband came home last night, more drunk and
belligerent than ever. I told him he needed to find somewhere to live
because I'm not taking this crap anymore. He called me all sorts of
names, including a slut, etc. We were outside smoking. He went in. I sat
outside for a while, and when I came back in, he was in the process of
taking a HUGE amount of pills. I said, "Whatcha got there?" He wouldn't
answer just continued to choke them down with the water. I asked again.
And again. He finally said 'all of the clonodine, and whatever else was
in there". I said 'Oh really?" Went to check...yeah, all three bottles
of my prescription meds were empty and laying there without the lids on.
I came out and said "Well now I'm calling 911 and you can't stop me!".
He told me not to, to hang up. I called. I also vented my frustration
with the 911 person, telling her "I called 911 earlier in the day
because I KNEW something bad was going to happen...I didn't know what,
but I know my husband and how he acts, and bad vibes were just radiating
from him....remember.. the police couldn't do anything until or unless
someone got hurt.
STUPID FUCKS! (the police)...The doctor said he's not sure if he's going
to make it or not, he's on life support and a ventilator, said most
people DO make it through this kind of thing 'but...your husband is
really really sick'.
I have been crying all night. I wanted a divorce, not a funeral! FUCK. I
am angry at the police for not intervening earlier in the day. He has
BOTH a history of DV AND suicide attempts. When the officers arrived
along with the fire department and paramedics, the cops that arrived
were the SAME ones that dismissed me earlier. When I saw the female cop,
I just pointed at her and said "This is EXACTLY why I called you guys
earlier today - I don't call 911 out of boredom"....she just walked past me.
I've thrown up 4 times tonight. I can't deal with this shit. I'm too old
and have too many health problems to keep dealing with this kind of crap.
So,...thank you Redding Police protect and serve my
fucking ASS. To serve yourself and protect your own asses. IDIOTS.
I am OUTRAGED right now. The picture is just there so I could write all

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"