Sunday 29 August 2010

A nice comment from someone to a fellow self-harmer

This was posted on someone's Facebook photo of their self-harm scars.
I thought it was amazing she could be so open with the image of her
scars. She's stronger than I.

The thread went into how the people who've stopped self-harming stopped
because of a supportive partner. I'm glad that I don't have one of
those. I'm never going to stop. When I started to self-harm it was like
anyone else - to relieve the pain. In the last few years it's for a
different reason: to fight back at the non-corporeal controlling entity
in my life (or god). It's not one of the approved methods to deal with
the controlling force. I'll continue to self-harm and I will eventually
kill myself - of that I am certain. The self harm and certainty of
taking my own life means I won't have a partner (an active decision),
and it means I can continue to be as I am: normal but really, really
fucked up.

we all have scars...some deeper than others...some may be more
obscure...but trust me, and as you do know, because I know you do...your
just that way...we ALL have scars...some hit harder, and hit home harder
too...some physical ones are terrible, but not near as bad as the
emotional ones, now they really can cut deeper than deep...but scars are
not always a bad thing if you look at it this way...look at how many try
so hard to look special, with peircings, tattoo's, mohawks, shaved
heads, long hair, even perky silicone breasts...they want to stand
out...mark their spot in life...and yet, here you have real,
genuine scars of life...the tracks of tears, thoughts, emotions gone
array...let them not be a setback, but a reminder that your a woman of
experience and endurance and let them be a reality check of just how
genuine you are...that you have a value of heart and a spirit in you to
survive, and be better...and that through all your quests to stand have realized the one thing that makes you stand out more than
all else is your passionate genuine self as the person we all know as
our dear ...the one we all love and can relate to...and call a true
friend on here in so many wonderful ways...;-)

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"