Sunday 19 June 2011

The disease with a movement to not call it a disease

Just google the terms "not a disease" with schizophrenia or terms for real illnesses like cancer.

You might not find a movement or body of research to challenge cancer. For schizophrenia you'd find a lot.

This is surprisingly an unremarkable discovery. No real effort is made to understand how any body of work or thought came about to challenge the idea that different minds are not ill.

Those minds can be called bad or unwanted or not a good automoton and thereby disabled or disadvantaged in the prognosis of social disability.

That's callede schoolyard prejudice. Not a fucking disease. We all saw it when we were at school. The uncool kid picked on, ridiculed and generally pushed away from the clique. When I was a kid we never called the excluded kid ill. Weird perhaps. Different certainly.

But some how adults got it wrong. They called a disease something which wasn't. They grew whole professions based on the idea. They used mental illness as the new whipping tool.

The state of consensus reality is 2011 is madness itself. They called human difference an illness for the span of the history of psychiatry.

They called difference a disease.

Thank fuck for the progressive movement. Academics like marius romme or john bola or especially mary boyle for her book Schizophrenia: a scientific delusion.

And foucault too... fuck. His shit is some proper mad shit. So eloquent in his conceptual breakdown of the paradigm of illness using what I would call an ultra wide angle lens. The expanse of time is so relevant.

There's too much evidence to question the application of the paradigm of illness to the human condition. Few if any of the real illnesses have such a body of work behind the question to the veracity of their existence as an illness.

In mental health though...they just do what the fuck they want. Robust theories? Rigid definitions? Real science?

No. Good heart and pseudoscience. Oh. And a medical degree. This is what it takes to call human behaviour an illness when it isn't.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"