Thursday 16 June 2011

Patient involvement is a needed area of improvement in treatment for schizophrenia and bipolar in the uk

Most of my referenced knowledge is of schizophrenia. Most of my life knowledge is bipolar. And depression.

Anyway, that's where these rants come from. I am pleased to admit I've battle for 2 years to maintain an almost daily blog. There are thousands of thoughts, ideas and personal experiences. This includes my suicide plans.

That's got sod all to do with anything but this blog is really just written as a stream of consciousness. It's what's on my mind at the time. So inbetween me writing the title and writing those last 2 paragraphs I've clearly wandered off on one.

My mates are used to it. Since they've know me at uni they've known and become used to a drug addict with mental illness.

Wow. There is a squirrel about a foot from me wandering up my tree. That's so fucking cool. yeah...a drunk stoner thinking in the park sort of realised that treatment best practice must include reviewss of evidence based on measures which are relevant to patients, not carers or policy makers or people who suck on my chocolate salty balls...psychiatrists.

I had a lot of help. My mate is a schizophrenic. She came off meds but after a while gave up because of the misery of madness.

She accepted treatment again because she wanted one thing. The cessation of the delusions and hallucinations.

Her doc tried antipsychotics. High doses. Different ones.

He didn't have the evidence to chose the treatment which she and many, many other patients who accept antipsychotics want as their sole benefit for which they put up with all the other shit.

There is a multibillion dollar industry which may only exist to market chemical restraint as a panacea. There's not a single fucking penny or iota of thought about what the people and patients want. Or expect. From doctors.

So hand the power back.

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We It comes in part from an appreciation that no one can truly sign their own work. Everything is many influences coming together to the one moment where a work exists. The other is a begrudging acceptance that my work was never my own. There is another consciousness or non-corporeal entity that helps and harms me in everything I do. I am not I because of this force or entity. I am "we"